Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Messages reflect who we are

It’s difficult to have a high self esteem when, as a woman in business or just the regular world, we send ourselves negative messages. Our inner voice that controls our thoughts and the messages we communicate with ourselves is not always one that should be listened to. Being conscious of the messages we send ourselves is vital to our success as strong, empowered women.

Empowerment comes from within

When your eyes opened this morning, what were the thoughts in your mind. What were those first thoughts? Were they positive or did they sound like; I’m so tired, I can’t believe it’s already morning, I hate that damn alarm, or Cat, get off my head.

What if you were empowered to change these? You are!                             For the next 20 days, change the thoughts. Make an effort to open your eyes tomorrow morning and change the message.
  • ·      If you believe in a higher spirit, Be thankful for the day.
  • ·      Know that there is “Nothing that is going to happen today that you and your higher power can’t handle”
  • ·      The things you have to do today don’t have to be overwhelming, let them be opportunities to complete so you can get the the good stuff
  • ·      Always have good stuff-make it simple like a date with yourself for hot chocolate or a half hour to read, something that you like

At the end of each of those 20 days, take a few minutes to be nice to yourself.Replay the events of the day, learn from them and let the rest go, it’s over and your do-over starts tomorrow
  • ·      Thank your higher power for the day
  • ·      Pray
  • ·      Tell yourself there is nothing that is going to happen that you and your higher power can’t handle tomorrow
  • ·      Close your eyes

Be practical

Only you can make your life simpler and easier to live and enjoy. It amazes me how much power we really have to influence our own thoughts and actions and yet most of us go through our day succumbing to the pace set by others.
Set your own pace! It’s not a race. Everyone gets the same twenty-four hours in his or her day. The difference is in how you use or waste them.

·      Be organized- any system that helps to keep you on track is the right one for you
·      Prioritize-know who and what is important to you
·      Be grateful-love yourself and the people who matter in your life
·      Schedule “me” time
·      Schedule “couple” time
·      Make time for your friends
Send an email
Pick up the phone
Or even better, go for coffee and share

This is a first step to being positive and making a small change that will empower you to be a positive influence to the most important person in your life-yourself.

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